Gonzo Ramen (Restaurants) in Carlsbad
Full information about Gonzo Ramen in Carlsbad: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Gonzo Ramen on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Gonzo Ramen:
300 Carlsbad Village Dr, 201A, Carlsbad, California (CA), 92008
EditGonzo Ramen opening hours:
12-9pm everyday
EditReviews about Gonzo Ramen:
About Gonzo Ramen:
Japanese izakaya-style restaurant serving tonkotsu ramen and other Japanese tapas-style food. Gonzo Ramen was born with the desire to provide San Diego with the best Japanese izakaya experience outside of Japan. Our ramen is a labor of love-the tonkotsu broth is a marriage of broth made from pork and chicken bone blended with dashi made of kombu seaweed and shiitake mushrooms to bolster the natural umami. The stock is boiled furiously for 8 hours to emulsify fat into the soup, giving the creamy texture, opaque color, and velvety mouthfeel. We offer an extensive sake menu paired with Japanese tapas-style food. Our total focus is to bring happiness and good times with great food, music, and hospitality. Try the premade onigiri to go!
EditRestaurants nearest to Gonzo Ramen:
Cold Stone Creamery Carlsbad, Restaurants; 2967 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, CA, 92008-2904; (760) 720-2974
Mariah`s Westwind Restaurant Carlsbad, Restaurants; 377 Carlsbad Village Dr, Carlsbad, CA, 92008-2918; (760) 729-6040
Submarina Carlsbad Carlsbad, Restaurants; 300 Carlsbad Village Dr#201a, Carlsbad, CA, 92008-2900; (760) 730-3045
Sushi Taisho Restaurant Carlsbad, Restaurants; 300 Carlsbad Village Dr#214, Carlsbad, CA, 92008-2900; (760) 729-2437